Becker & Associates, Inc.
563 Commonwealth Drive,Suite 600 East Dundee, IL 60118
Phone: 630-629-9440 • Fax: 630-620-6383

Item # 64191, Breakaway Couplings
Carter introduces a new line of Breakaway Dry Break Couplings for 2 1/2”, 3” and 6-7” hose sizes
The Emergency Breakaway Fueling Coupling was developed in conjunction with the Canadian Navy as part of their search to eliminate fuel spillage at sea. The new Carter coupling meets or exceeds all of the requirements of the new NATO Replenishment at Sea Coupling Specification and is the replacement for the existing NATO “B” Breakable Spool. The Carter Emergency
Breakaway Fueling Coupling is designed to be used with Abeam, Astern “lay on deck” and with the Hudson Reel standard 6” or 7” hose. When a pulling force of approximately 1100 pounds is applied, the coupling will automatically disconnect and dry break on both side with less than 100cc of fuel spillage. However, the coupling, which weighs less than 80 pounds, is easily connected or disconnected by one person without the need for special tools.