Becker & Associates, Inc.
563 Commonwealth Drive,Suite 600 East Dundee, IL 60118
Phone: 630-629-9440 • Fax: 630-620-6383

Item # Particle Rating, Color and Particle Guide
In presenting all 33 colors and the 9 particle photographs on one 8 1/2 x 11" chart, our model SGTP-3940 provides convenience that has never before been achieved. Particle assessment is a
requirement in Section 2-17 of ATA-103, along with color rating. Particle rating is also specified in Section FO-6 of the United Airlines "Fuel Operations Manual".
The color rating presentation is unique in that oblong windows of adjacent colors are provided so that the technician can more easily compare shades and colors. The filter membrane is placed under the chart, allowing the operator to see 4 different colors at one time for comparison.
The official ASTM color rating booklet, model GTP-1074-1, which we also produce, was designed so that it could be kept closed to protect the colors from soiling and contamination. This new
chart is not provided with such a protection means so it must be kept in a notebook. Standard 3-ring punchings are provided. For more information on the color rating book.
- This black and white reproduction does not show the true colors which are in tan, reddish and gray shades.
The 9 particle photographs have been duplicated faithfully from the Shell Oil Co. chart and by permission of that firm.
- The particle assessment portion of this page has been printed by permission of Shell Oil Co. which holds the copyright.