Becker & Associates, Inc.
563 Commonwealth Drive,Suite 600 East Dundee, IL 60118
Phone: 630-629-9440 • Fax: 630-620-6383

Item # GTP-2727EF, API Gravity & Density Calculators
Converts density reading taken with a hydrometer to corrected density at 15°C
Separate Scales for 3 different types of fuel:
Jet A
Jet A-1
JP 5
JP 8
Wide Cut AVGAS
Jet B
Scales read in kg/m3
Results obtained with this calculator in the Density range from 770 to 784 kg/m3 (or a correction that goes through this range) cannot be compared to the
printed tables because we have avoided the error created by the transition zone. For jet fuels, we extended the curve upward using the original equation without entering the transition zone. For avgas, we extended the gasoline curve swonward in the same manner. From a technical standpoint, our scales will yield mor accurate results than the printed tables